10 Best Ways to Promote Your Blog In 2022

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You have created an awesome blog and published some quality content.

What’s next?

Now it’s time to promote your blog. Now you may suddenly ask me, how to promote a blog?

When it comes to promoting a blog, then you might be thinking to share on social media and get tons of likes and shares.

To be honest, this is not going to happen unless you have millions of fans and followers who live and breathe on your every word.

10 Best Ways To Promote Your Blog

In this post, I have listed some of the best ways to promote your blog. Let’s get started.

1. Publish Data-Driven Content

People love to read and share posts having some data or research outcomes. You have seen that a lot of top-level media houses and publications are doing their own research and publishing the stats. This is an effective way of blog promotion.

This type of content also includes case studies. These case studies are also a good medium to attract thousands of traffics and shares.

If you talk about the SEO industry, Backlinko and Ahrefs perform their extensive research and publish data-driven content.

For example,

Backlinko (Brain Dean) analyzed 1 million Google search results to check the top ranking factors. They published it on their blog with the data. This single piece of content gets thousands of social shares and backlinks.

Backlinko case study

Another example is Ahrefs research found that 90.63% of contents get no traffics from Google (shocking but true).

Ahrefs Case Study

A few times, the post gets more than thousands of social shares and hundreds of backlinks.

The above two examples show that data-driven content is great. On the flip side, it takes a lot of effort and time.

If you are just starting, then you can partner with others and make some research. If you can’t perform this much of broad then it’s ok.

You can even publish small research outcomes and case studies. When people see a new case study they would share it with their community. While people will mention your study, they also give you a backlink.

2. Guest Post

Guest post promote your blog

If you have read our off-page SEO post, then I also mentioned guest posting. This is a very effective way to get quality backlinks and promote your blog.

People are guest posting to get only backlinks where you can take a different approach to get some traffic and blog promotion as well.

Whenever you are approaching someone to guest post, then ask him to allow you an author bio. In this author’s bio, you can write about yourself and your blog with a link.

I know that many people don’t allow you to do so. But find some like helping people who allow you to do so. This way you would get some extra traffic. In addition, your blog is also promoted by the guest posting blog.

A link in the author’s bio encourages people to visit your blog. If your blog gives value to them, then they would be your regular visitors.

3. Boost Posts On Facebook

If you have been using Facebook for a while, then you might have noticed that the organic reach and engagement declined.

Decline FB Organic Reach 1 promote your blog

The golden days are gone where you just share content and it reaches thousands of people and it gets a lot of engagement also.

Can you guess why this happens?

This is because of the arrival of Facebook Ads. In another way, you can say that Facebook wants you to spend money to boost your post.

So the Ad budget and CPC are growing like nothing and you can’t rely on it all the time.

If you want to build a loyal audience base and visit your blog on a regular basis, then concentrate on Facebook retargeting option.

This is a feature you can use when you are boosting a post. It only shows your boosted posts to those people who have engaged with your previous post and visited your blog.

This cuts your ad spending budget and the ad will show to those people who already know your blog (or at least clicked on your previous boosted post).

If you are using Facebook post boosting for the first time then this option is not for you. But when you do it the second time then it would help.

4. Email Outreach

There is a lot of hype about email outreach in the digital marketing space. People are taking it as a trusted way of promotion.

Do you know, only 8.5% of all outreach emails receive a response? And the remaining outreach emails are ignored. Backlinko performed research and found this.

If you have subscribed to some blog’s email newsletters, then you found that outreach emails keep coming. They are doing wrong as they are pitching the same email to hundreds of people.

Here the personalized email outreach comes into play.

The same Backlinko study found that emails having personalized subject lines and personalized message bodies have a more than 30 percent response rate.

No matter which type of outreach email you are writing, add some personalization to it. Include some data points and messages that encourage them to open your email and also reply.

Personalized email outreach with follow-up works very well. If you won’t receive any reply then send some follow-ups. This can multiply the response rate.

5. Create Share-Worthy Content

This might be the first point that I should start with. I think you have been hearing the same piece of advice “create great content”.

Social Sharing promote your blog

Creating share-worthy content has a lot of benefits and you should start doing this from the next blog post.

Most people think that they are writing the best piece of content while it contains the same piece of information as you can find in other blogs.

This is about it and say, if people will find the same piece of information on another blog (or already read the similar blog post on another blog) what would make you unique.

There is no better blog promotion strategy than creating content that is share-worthy. It means the visitors who landed on your blog, take interest in it share it with other people and let them know. Basically, you may the chain process.

Spark an emotion in your post and don’t forget storytelling. To be honest, I can’t give you good copyrighting advice as I don’t consider myself a pro copyrighter. Follow some blogs where you will get the best writing advice.

However, publish something genuinely unique and insightful, and that distinguishes it from other blogs. This way you don’t need to do all the promotions. Your visitors will do them all.

6. Collab With Other Blogs

collaboration promote your blog

No matter which industry you belong to, you would find some other blogs as well. They may treat you as a competitor or a friend.

Find some of them and ask them for collaboration. Share your knowledge with them and grab them from them as well.

You can also search in Facebook groups or niche forums. In addition to that, you can put a post on groups and forums asking people for a collab. You will find that some people will respond to you.

You and your partner can perform some research and do some case studies. As we have discussed the benefits of data-driven content, no need to repeat them all.

Collaborative work can increase your overall productivity and your bottom line. So you can achieve more in less time.

As they have a blog, they also have some regular viewers or followers. You can publish a guest post on their blog and promote it in front of thousands of viewers.

Through this post, you can drive some potential audience to your blog. Further, they would be your regular readers. This way you can promote your blog through collab.

7. Write Posts On New Topics

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Are you in a niche where competitors are doing very well with their content? If your answer is yes, then how you can differentiate from them?

The answer would create some new content that is not available yet. Or to say differently, create something new that would be your identity in the market.

Rather than writing the same piece of content in a different way, you can make it unique. If everyone writes the same piece of information again and again then how this will stand out.

Before doing this, make some research and analyze what your competitors are doing. Analyze their topics and find content gaps.

Once you find some topic that no one has covered, then pick that one and make awesome content on it. You can create some new topics by applying your creativity and some research.

This helps your content stand out and make some noise.

8. Turn Blog Content Into YouTube Videos

This is a smart technique of blog promotion you can use in the age of videos. As you are doing much research to make awesome text-based content you can use the same to make a video.

Repurposing blog articles into YouTube video format is a good idea. This way you can get a thousand extra eyeballs.

You should not read the same script in your video. You can take a small piece of information from your whole article and make it a video.

promote your blog

In this way, you can spread brand awareness on video platforms like YouTube. In addition to that, you can place your blog link in the URL and encourage video viewers to visit your blog.

Before making a video, you can make some research and figure out what works in video platforms. You can check some existing videos and find out what’s working. You may also check their content about what they are talking about.

Make a video script that you want to talk about it. Collect some stats and case studies that make your video interesting and make people like and share.

9. Be Active In Relevant Communities

No matter which industry you belong to, you would find some active communities. This is where “be active in relevant communities” comes.

Rather than placing links here and there and hoping for the best, you can be an active member of relevant communities.

People join Facebook groups and forums to solve their issues. So they ask various question and starts the discussion.

Social Media Influencers 1 promote your blog

You should be an active member of that group and advise them. As you have a blog and some articles, you can refer them to links.

On the other hand, you can create new articles that people are asking often. This way you can solve their queries through your article. They would more likely to share your article and let other people know.

For this, you can join Facebook groups, online forums, Slack channels, Subreddits, etc. Instead of spamming the groups and placing links here and there, do the process naturally.

10. Create An Expert Roundup Posts

Expert roundup posts have a huge impact on content promotion. You might be thinking why expert roundup posts are so effective.

Let’s have some analogy. Let’s say you have a blog where you publish some amazing tips and advice that can’t be found anywhere. But the problem is no one knows you and they are not taking your advice in a serious way.

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But if any expert in your industry gives some advice then people will listen to them carefully and take it seriously. Why?

People know them as an expert and think that all the advice he/she is giving is genuine and correct.

Let’s apply the same formula in the blog post.

Pick a topic and ask experts about their opinion on the same. You may pick a trending topic in your niche to get more eyeballs.

After that search for some experts in the niche. You can pick the topmost bloggers in that niche. Create a list of 10-15 experts at a minimum.

Once you pick the topic and find experts, send personalized emails to the experts and ask them their views.

Take their replay and make an in-depth post on it. You can share your unique opinion on the same topics so that people also know about them. The blog title headline should be catchy so that it creates a sensation.

Once you publish the post, let the experts know and send another mail. In this email, you can say them to share the article with their audience.

This way you can get more views on your article and more new audiences. If you execute this method is a good way you can promote your blog to the right audience.


So these are some of the best ways to promote your blog. Apply the above methods one by one and analyze the result. Once you figure out what works for you, then keep repeating the same with each newly published blog post.

Bibhu Prasad Bal is a content writer at Blogging Genie and a tech-savvy guy. In his spare time, you will find him watching Ancient Aliens and exploring the web. Contact: [email protected]

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